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Yau Kan

Family Support
Proud Father

After a celebrated and successful fourty year career in business management and technology, Yau thought he could finally settle and relax in to a well-deserved retirement.

Yau Kan TiA Profile
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Little did he know that his specialist skillset would again be required, but within a different capacity - at the front desk supporting his Psychologist & Speech Therapist daughters with their very own business!


As a father himself, Yau knows all too well the trials and tribulations of what it takes to raise and support a family. Come on by and have a chat with Yau who would be more than happy to support in taking bookings to sharing the woes and strains of modern parenting. 

Ground floor, 26 Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong

Phone number: 2768 8698 / 8699


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